Facebook Groups as a Promotional Tool


 Create a community that you want to promote
Create a Facebook group for your business. If someone seems to be attracted by your page, you can ask him to be a part of your group and you can increase your community. Become administrator and make your page public custom as you like it. After releasing the product, create a community where people can talk about the product or their review about the product.
    Facebook group for market research
You can use your personal or fan page for inviting people who liked your product or service to be a part of your community. After having the demographic information about the people joining the group, you can create also a Facebook Ad through your Fan page that is working in same demographic.
   Sponsoring the group
You should always have look on the group’s homepage. You should purchase the link with credit card to host ad content and message boards. After creating a group, you become admin and can assign other administrator and approve content and members.
4.    Discussion of sales and opinions
You are not allowed to have any contests on Facebook, you can promote some information for your members. You can have discussions about sales, opinion and favorite products.
5.    Promotion of a profession or region
This is the best method to create yourself as a professional. You can have a fancy name and select those friends who show interest in same profession. After sometime, you can ask your friend to join group. Private group creates a buzz and invokes desire to join.  You can create clubs where people can discuss information of different dimensions. Always have regular in-person meeting, different clubs and meetings. You can create a Facebook event by discussing it on your group discussion board.

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